020 3376 4978


Water Softeners & Water Filter Installation

Water Softeners & Water Filter Installation

Our company is here to provide you with installation of water softeners and filters so that you, your family and your home have safe and clean drinking water.
Water filters can use a variety of water purification techniques to treat contamination and remove impurities such as lead and pesticides from your drinking water. Water filter systems provide you with clean drinking water, as well as preventing limescale and residue, keeping your house and glassware clean.
Depending on the type of filter, contaminants are trapped and then either removed through system cleansing or contained in a cartridge membrane that needs replacing after a certain period.
Householders who want the very best drinking water to remove contaminants like bacteria, pesticides, lead and chlorine from their water supply should opt for a water filter system. This gives you the assurance that your drinking water is completely safe for the whole family to consume.
The softener is connected at the point your water enters your home where your ‘stop cock’ is located. This is normally under your kitchen sink. Once water has been softened, it can then be funnelled throughout your entire home providing you with beautiful, limescale free water.

Our services

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Boiler service

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Boiler Fault Finding & Repairs

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Bathroom Design & Installation

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Gas safety certificates

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Power flushing

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Radiator & Underfloor Heating Installation

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Hot Water Cylinder Installation & Service

Hot water cylinders are a crucial element when it comes to delivering hot water to your home. They are designed to keep the water hot as it is being stored ....

Smart Heating Controls & Room Thermostats

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Water Softeners & Water Filter Installation

Our company is here to provide you with installation of water softeners and filters so that you, your family and your home have safe and clean drinking water.
Water filters.....

Gas Cooker & Gas Hob Installation

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